Expanding BioChar Horizons
Tree of Lifes' activities will include the immediate sale of BioChar Now’s product line manufactured at it’s facilities in the USA to farmers in North America and to other parts of the world with special emphasis on the Middle East (to develop desert agriculture) and in Africa.
In addition, we will be manufacturing the equipment for setting up of production lines with various strategic JV partners in North America and all over the globe which will help scale up and expand our planed BioChar Global Consortium. The immediate sale of our partner’s production capacity will allow us to generate revenues from the start.
The company will also setup its own first manufacturing facility in upstate New York, with rapid expansion into Kentucky, California, and Florida . We will also work closely with the North American Indian First Nations including our Canadian neighbors who sit on vast areas of forests which must be properly managed to avoid devastating forest fires which cause great environmental damage. It should be noted that in the US there is 10's of millions of acres of dead "Beetle Kill Trees", and in Canada over 50 million acres which are the perfect feed-stock for making high quality BioChar.
We expect that engineered premium Biochar will eventually become as ubiquitous as aluminum, steel, plastic, and concrete, but safer and more environmentally friendly.